Diets and Exercise, Jobs/Work, Life, Millennial

What are the benefits of being a Non Traditional Worker?

I need advice. I have very recently become a non-traditional worker, which is someone that works "non traditional" hours and/or works two or more jobs. I'm in the second one category. Both are part time, one in the morning and another in the late evening.  During the middle of the day I work on my… Continue reading What are the benefits of being a Non Traditional Worker?

College, Family and Friends, Jobs/Work, Life, Millennial, Relationships

Life After: Making new friends

I recently sat and talked with my bf about how I felt ‘friend stagnant’. I love my friends but I want to hang out with new people sometimes. My closest friends are all of the people I was close to in high school, which there is nothing wrong with, but we always tend do the… Continue reading Life After: Making new friends

College, Jobs/Work, Life, Millennial

Millennials are Uncertain, not Entitled

I loved this read from the Huffington Post. 'Millennials are Uncertain, Not Entitled" "Stories about entitled, apathetic millennials just keep coming. A sense of entitlement is one of the diagnostic criterion for narcissistic personality disorder. Further criteria are a sense of superiority and grandiosity - other charges lobbed at millennials. By itself, researchers have linked… Continue reading Millennials are Uncertain, not Entitled

College, Jobs/Work, Life, Millennial

Switching Majors

It is OK to switch majors. There is honestly no shame in switching majors and let me tell you why.   The school paints this beautiful picture of fun, educational and super interesting classes. You think you are going to be in high school chem class, adding stuff together to make a reaction or change… Continue reading Switching Majors

College, Jobs/Work, Life, Millennial

Why Don’t Millennials Save Money?

Millennial debt. That's why.      We aren't lazy. We aren't spoiled. We are broke and living in a cycle of poverty. All of the debt that we have accumulated, just from ages 18-22, is 'necessary'. We are going to college and taking out loans, not to better ourselves, but to be able to have… Continue reading Why Don’t Millennials Save Money?